Format : A5 / 128 coloured pages
Retail price : 1800 yen
Publisher : edition PAUMES Japan
Author : PAUMES
Language : Japanese
What are the main features of children's bedrooms in London today? In spite of the fact that they are all filled with Teddy Bears, they all have their own unique character. London is a huge cosmopolitan town where people from all over the world thrive together.
London is so large that local areas are like small villages, each with different and specific styles. Within one day you can stroll in wonderful countryside in the morning, amongst the squirrels and deer, then walk down old paved streets resembling scenes from a Dickens novel, and finally find yourself in the heart of India in the evening.
Hence, each child's bedroom corresponds to a unique and personal style, inspired by the surrounding area, the origin of the house and the traditions of its dwellers. Moreover, they reflect the spirit of freedom and individuality that pervades this glorious town
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